Brandi Wells

Do My Pores Look Big to You?

Because I’ve been thinking of ways to utilize the space.
Too many people focus on the negative,
buy minimizing creams,
make appointments for temporary relief.
I can appreciate more space.
I’ve longed for a larger closet,
a second garden plot,
a place to keep my parents’ antique piano,
because they’re just giving it away.

And when my parents get too old
I won’t have to put them in a home
or have them stay in my guest room.
They can climb right into my pores,
play the piano,
organize my closet,
help tend my second garden.

Maybe we can expand the place.
Store things in my parents’ pores.
An ever-deepening space.
Add some variety.
Color-code the rooms.

My mother will climb into my father’s pores.
After all those years, a quiet place
to be alone.

And when I get too old,
I’ll select not the largest pore,
but the most attractive
and I’ll pull it wider and wider
and climb inside,
taking nothing with me
so everything will be new.


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